- Buki finds Red Dot
- leave it to Reddot to find something like this
- My breakfast Guest this morning
- My favorite Rap R’s Haiku (I stand for hours...in nonexistent line...Ho! banks closed on Saturdays...)
- Red dot visits Nino’s Stack of stones on Santorini
- Red Dot visits the Hexaoctocubeagon in the Mojave desert
- Reddot and Toadie receive teachings on the Way by Laotzu
- Reddot finds my old raku tea bowl
- Reddot visits an Indian Snake Charmer
- RedDot visits The Great White Dot Eater
- Roach Motel
- Nov2622 Moana Loa wakes up after a little snooze. 1984 (Sunny’s photo)
- Reddot has to keep a short leash on this one!